One Fitness



Ectomorphs who want to gain muscle or weight may need to focus on a diet and exercise program tailored to their specific needs, such as a calorie surplus and strength training. Keep in mind that it's essential to consult with a fitness professional or nutritionist for personalized advice based on your unique circumstances and goals.


Mesomorphs often excel in sports that require power and strength, such as bodybuilding, weightlifting, sprinting, and contact sports. However, they can also succeed in a wide range of physical activities due to their adaptability and balanced body composition.


Higher Injury Risk: At our gym, we prioritize your safety and well-being. If you have a genetic predisposition to specific injuries such as joint problems or tendon issues, our experienced trainers and fitness professionals will work with you to develop a customized fitness plan. This plan will include injury prevention exercises, mobility work, and strict attention to proper form during strength training. Our goal is to help you build strength while minimizing the risk of injury, allowing you to achieve your fitness objectives safely.

One Fitness